Mapping is one of the most spectacular multimedia projection technologies. This three-dimensional visual spectacle combines image and sound. Visual effects projected on unusual surfaces like facades of buildings or architectural elements give the illusion of putting static objects in motion and giving them new life.
3D mapping is an audiovisual show consisting of animation displayed on real three-dimensional objects (e.g. buildings, set design elements or products such as cars or even shoes). With rapidly changing light and colours viewers are under the impression that inanimate objects move and come to life. For the fullest experience, the show is complemented by specifically composed and synchronised soundtrack. In order to achieve the mapping effect a team of specialists from many different fields (from developers and animators to 3D artists and musicians) have to work in co-operation. The result, however, is totally worth it!
Among our projections and mappings are the ones prepared for the Centre for Environmental Education HYDROPOLIS and the Centennial Hall in Wrocław.
The latter project, entitled O(micron), was done in co-operation with AntiVJ, a VJ collective from Belgium. Under our content-related and artistic supervision, AntiVJ prepared a few minute spectacle displayed under the Hall’s dome, which is 65 m in diameter. The 3D mapping is dedicated for the architecture of this unique object and at the same time is a highlight of the multimedia exhibition of the Discovery Center located in the same building.
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